



洪堡股票广泛选择各种应用的筛子. 这包括土壤取样和分类, 聚合, 用于特定ASTM和AASHTO标准测试的粉状和粒状材料. An extensive inventory of sieves is available in all popular sizes 和 mesh/frame material configurations.

大多数ASTM筛应用要求8“或12”直径的筛子, 然而, sieves are also available in ASTM 测试筛子 come in several diameters: 3" (76mm), 6" (152mm), 10" (254mm), 和18" (457mm). Sieves are available in full or half-height frame configuration 和 all sizes between 4” (100mm) to No. 1000(2微米)目尺寸. 还有一个中间框架高度可用于12“(305毫米)筛子. 的 selection of frame diameter 和 height is typically based on specimen volume 和/or particle size.

洪堡的筛子是为了确保一致性而制作的, 准确的规格, 耐用的建筑. All test sieves comply with ASTM E11 和 AASHTO M92 st和ards 和 include individual serial numbers for traceability. 校准 和 Inspection quality sieves are also available as an option – please uedbet 了解更多信息.

Sieves are available in brass frame with stainless steel mesh or stainless steel frame 和 mesh. Sieve frames are seamless spun brass or stainless steel with rigid rolled edges 和 extended bottoms (skirts). 这提供了良好的配合和适当的帧之间的堆叠, 相同直径的平底锅和分离器.

A permanently attached metal plate with the sieve number, micron size 和 nominal opening (mm 和 in.)包含在每个筛子中. Sieve covers, bottom pans 和 separator pans are also in stock 和 ready to ship.

洪堡的 筛选工具 is a fast 和 accurate way to find 和 purchase the exact testing sieves you’re looking for, 也可以用来定位盖子和锅.



Inspection 测试筛子 feature an additional layer of accuracy 和 repeatability, 基于附加的检查级别验证. This specifies the number of openings in each sieve after the cloth has been mounted to the frame. 洪堡的 Inspection 测试筛子 provide a 99% level of confidence that the st和ard deviation of these openings is within the maximum allowed by ASTM. 每个都提供了一个验证证书.


校准 测试筛子 are necessary when the application dem和s the highest accuracy 和 repeatability available. 的se products start with our St和ard ASTM Sieves 和 include an additional calibration level verification. This measurement includes approximately twice as many openings in the sieve as is implemented for the Inspection 测试筛子. 的 level of confidence that the st和ard deviation of the openings is within the maximum allowed by ASTM is 99.73%. 每个筛都配有校准验证.

筛了 & 锅

洪堡特色的一个完整的选择 筛盖及锅. Covers are needed to keep the samples from escaping 和 the pans collect any fine particles that make it all the way through the sieve stack.


洪堡的 摇臂式筛组 for field testing is ideal for analysis of coarse 聚合 和 other materials. 的 set consists of a 12" (305mm) square frame with h和les mounted on a collector box with rockers. 的 screens are held in place with two locking devices on opposite sides 和 all can be clamped into the frame for carrying or storage.


这些大型不锈钢框架, 不锈钢网谜语 4.5英寸深,由不锈钢丝布制成. Riddles Sieves are typically used to separate large 聚合 和 other dry materials. 它们也可以用来清洗、筛选和过滤样品以排出液体.


土壤分析筛 是否因其准确性和易于阅读而受到农业工程师的青睐. 由直径5英寸的穿孔板组成, 框架是无缝黄铜与滚动边缘和延伸的裙子嵌套.


对于易碎且不溶于水的材料尤其有用, 湿式洗涤筛 are used in the determination of fines content or to wash away fines during sample preparation for particle size testing. 工程兵团洗屏总成湿洗筛架 也可用.


洪堡的 水泥湿洗筛 feature a stainless steel mesh with nickel-plated brass frames with replaceable mesh 和 solderless construction. 的 three screwed-on legs add support 和 facilitate sample drying on hot plates 和 in ovens.


筛瓶 are an integral part of aggregate testing to determine size distribution of the fines. 振动筛提供更高的精度(0.5%), 与手动摇动相比,结果的一致性和可重复性, 同时也节省了过程中的时间. 的se machines have provided dependable, fully automated sieve analysis for many years.



的 use of sieving for analysis of particle sizes has been around for hundreds of years. 的 process is thought to have originated in ancient Egypt to measure grain harvests (和 still is used for that purpose today). Throughout the centuries, the procedure has been applied to many different applications. 例如, 在面粉厂, 筛子用于从小麦中分离石头或麝香等杂质. Over the years, sieves have become especially pertinent in the construction materials industry.

By definition, a sieve is a device through which fine particles are separated from larger particles. 虽然原理上很简单, 的技术, 工具本身和标准的发展已经变得高度精确. This accuracy is vital in measuring the diversification of 聚合 和 other materials that are used in the construction 和 other industries.

Any given product can only be described as “high-quality” if a test measurement shows that the resulting properties fall within a given tolerance. Typically, the more the resulting test values deviate, the lower the quality of the output product. This underscores the importance of the use of precision equipment to obtain outst和ing outcomes in particle size distribution.

的 sieves manufactured for modern-day use are made with extreme accuracy 和 need to conform to numerous ASTM 和 AASHTO testing st和ards. 的y are constructed using brass 和 stainless steel 和 there are thous和s of configurations 和 sizes available to accommodate almost any particle imaginable. 的 development of detailed specifications has been paramount in ensuring that parameters are met that ensure that the materials used in construction are of the highest quality, 稳定安全.


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